
On  Sunday, February 28, our catechumens and candidates in the RCIA class will complete the Rite of Election, signifying their desire to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church.  One of the next steps in their faith journey is to participate in the ritual of the Scrutinies.  These ritual celebrations on the third, fourth and fifth Sundays of Lent are communal prayers celebrated around the Elect to strengthen them to overcome the power of sin in their lives and to grow in virtue. To scrutinize something means to examine it closely. The community does not scrutinize the catechumens and candidates; they scrutinize their own lives and allow God to scrutinize them and to heal them.

In 2021, our parish celebrates the Scrutinies at the 5:30 pm Sunday Vigil Masses on March 6, March 13 and March 20.   The readings at these Masses will be from Year A.  The first week the reading is about the Woman at the Well, the second week is about the Man Born Blind and the final week’s readings are about Lazarus Being Raised from the Dead.  Their spirit is then filled with Christ, who is the living water (first scrutiny), the light of the world (second scrutiny), and the resurrection and the life (third scrutiny).  From the first to the final scrutiny, the Elect should progress in their growth in and desire for salvation.  Please join us at these rites and join in the intercessions for our Elect.  Please also keep them in your prayers as they complete their initiation into the Church.