Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center Second Collection March 29 – 30

As more people seek rest, clarity, and a sacred space for an encounter with God, the need for campus improvements at Ignatius House has become urgent. Your gift to this collection will directly support the “Facilitating an Encounter with God” Capital Campaign that Ignatius House is undertaking to expand and renovate its facilities, ensuring a welcoming environment for all who seek to grow in faith. Please give in the basket or go to www.judeatl.com/egiving

Faith & Logic with Fr. Ben Thomsen – Tuesdays, March 18 & April 8

What is philosophy? The answer might shock you. It has nothing to do with hazy speculation and subjective thinking. Come attend a three-part Lenten series where we explore apologetics, God’s existence, and how to think critically and clearly. No preparation and no registration necessary.

“Faith & Logic” with Fr. Ben Thomsen
Tuesdays, March 11, 18, & April 8

7:00 – 8:00 pm
Ministry Hall

Family Pizza and Penance – Wednesday, March 26

Families with children who have received First Reconciliation through 8th grade are invited to join us for pizza dinner & penance preparation before going to the parish Penance Evening together.

Family Adoration – Saturday, April 12

Would you like to spend some time with Jesus and your children? Family Adoration is a time to spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Geared toward families with children 0 – 10 years old, it will include a meditation, music, and prayer. Adoration will take place in the Our Lady of Aparecida Chapel, located to the left of the Ministry Building. Meet outside the chapel to begin. For more information please contact: adoration@judeatl.com

Family Adoration
Saturday, April 12, 9:00 – 9:30 am
Our Lady of Aparecida Chapel

First Saturday Devotion – April 5

Join us for the First Saturday Devotion on the first Saturday of each month. We meet in the Church after the 8:30 am Daily Mass for the rosary and meditation.

This devotion consists of attending Mass, receiving Holy Communion, going to Confession, praying the rosary, and meditating on the mysteries of the rosary for at least 15 minutes on each first Saturday for five consecutive months with the intention of making reparation for blasphemies committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Anointing of the Sick – Friday, April 4

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated the first Friday of each month at the 12:00 pm daily Mass, the 7:30 pm First Friday Mass in Portuguese and Spanish, or by appointment with a priest at any time. All who are sick or suffering are invited to receive the anointing.

Pax Christi Prayer Vigil – Sunday, March 30 after the 10:00 am Mass

All parishioners are invited to join our Pax Christi ministry for a special monthly prayer service. This prayer service will take place on the last Sunday of the month after the 10:00 am Mass in front of the Adoration Chapel. The vigil prayer will include a prayer for the individuals killed during the mass shootings in the month.