As you may recall from school presentations and parish announcements, the Archdiocese has a long-standing policy that equates active participation in parishes with discounted tuition rates for Catholic schools. Families involved in Sunday Mass participation, along with stewarding their time, talent, and treasure with their parish may qualify for a discounted tuition rate at our school. (See below for examples of time, talent, and treasure participation.) This is an opportunity for a family to actively engage with their spiritual home and its ministries while benefiting from a generously reduced parish school tuition rate as a direct result of that active participation. Currently, the discount for a family active in our parish in the areas of time, talent, and treasure is approximately $3,000 per student.
What does it mean to be an “Active Parishioner”?
To qualify for the “Active Catholic tuition rate” at Saint Jude School or another Catholic school, a “Parishioner Verification” form needs to be submitted and approved by our pastor. (Form below)
Is tuition less for an active Catholic family?
- Tuition for active Catholic families at Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic School is $11,450. The tuition rate for non-active families is $13,900.
- Each year, Saint Jude parish is required to pay an annual School Assessment fee to the Archdiocese of Atlanta to help offset the cost of Catholic education in our Archdiocese.
- This year, our parish assessment fee is $95,876. All students in the Archdiocesan Catholic school system benefit from this financial subsidy from our parish. These funds come directly from our parishioner-funded offertory.
- Therefore, if your family is an active, contributing member of our parish, you are helping to support Catholic students within our Archdiocesan school system; thus, you can receive the benefit of lower tuition.
Are we an active Catholic family?
- An “active” Catholic family is one who seeks to live out all three aspects of Stewardship: Time, Talent, and Treasure.
- “Time” is spending time participating in your faith through regular Sunday Mass as well as personal and family prayer, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, or time in faith formation classes, attending a retreat, or a parish Mission.
- “Talent” is using your gifts and talents for the benefit of others through service. Are you regularly serving in one or more of our parish ministries?
- Through financially supporting your parish by sharing your treasure, you live out the Gospel message to build His Kingdom here on earth.
- Our pastor looks at all three of these parts equally to determine your active status.
Fill out our Parish Verification Form Below
Allow a minimum of 2 weeks before the school’s deadline.
Questions? Please contact Nancy Boswinkle, 770-394-3896, ext. 236
If your school(s) need an email contact from our parish, please use Nancy Boswinkle (
Saint Jude Parish Verification Form
The Archdiocese of Atlanta defines “active parishioners” as those registered and worshiping regularly and contributing their talents and financial resources to support the parish. Active membership is to be determined by the parish in which the family is a member. This form is for the pastor’s use to determine active status. You may be required to fill out additional forms as determined by each school.
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