Eucharistic Revival

The 25th Eucharistic Congress held in 2022 launched our local Church into the National Eucharistic Revival—a three-year national movement called by the bishops of the United States to rekindle the fire of our eucharistic faith and to begin a new chapter of evangelization grounded in renewed eucharistic devotion, life, and service.

This is a three-year effort, starting with a diocesan year to focus especially on prayer, building awareness, and formation across the archdiocese. The second year—the parish year—will be an opportunity for parishes to engage the Revival more deeply through small groups and families. The third year—the year of mission or sending—will be marked by a National Eucharistic Congress.

What is a Eucharistic Revival?
The Eucharist is the cornerstone belief for all Catholics, but a recent Pew Research Center survey found that many of us don’t believe or don’t understand that Jesus is fully and literally present in the Eucharist. This sparked the US Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) to establish a Revival.

What is it all about?
The revival is intended to renew the Church by fostering and encouraging a living relationship with Christ in the Eucharist. It’s meant to spark a grassroots movement of Catholics who have been healed and formed by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist and who go forth to spread the message of his Real Presence into a world desperately in need of God. The revival is intended to help us engage more deeply with the Mass, learn more about the Eucharist, and fall more deeply in love with Jesus in the Eucharist.

What’s happening at Saint Jude?
Each parish has missionaries who act as liaisons with the archdiocese and national efforts to help with their parish’s unique needs and desires. We have missionaries in each of our three cultural communities at Saint Jude. The English community missionaries are Alix Shattuck and Martha Robert.  As we ramp up our efforts, you will begin to see:

  • Weekly bulletin articles, inspiration, recommendations for resources
  • Faith formation opportunities for small groups and families
  • Discussion groups on the Eucharist, the Mass, and other requested subjects
  • Praise and Adoration events

More Resources
Archdiocese of Atlanta Eucharistic Revival Page

National Eucharistic Revival Website
Eucharistic Miracles
Pope Benedict’s Habits for Encountering God

Tell our missionaries Alix Shattuck and Martha Robert what you would like to see or know more about.  Email them here.