Valentine’s Dinner

6:30 pm Ministry Hall
$70/couple includes dinner/drinks

Join us to renew your wedding vows and enjoy an evening out with drinks and dinner catered by Samad Mediterranean Grill in Sandy Springs.

This year’s guest speakers are Mike and Laurie Carlton, an Atlanta couple who founded Marriages Are Covenants (MAC) ministry and Program to Renew and Optimize Marriages in Sacramental Enrichment (PROMISE). They will share wisdom, faith, and personal experiences to inspire and strengthen couples on their marital journey. Learn more about them at

Special Treat!

If you are celebrating your 25th, 50th, or 60th wedding anniversary in 2025 and attend the dinner, you will receive a Papal Blessing Parchment! A papal blessing, or Benediction Papalis, is a blessing from the Holy Father to honor important events in the life of a Catholic – such as a milestone anniversary of a Catholic marriage!  Blessings are given in the form of parchments that are hand painted and inscribed at the Vatican with the names of the couple.