Interfaith Outreach Home (IOH) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that empowers homeless, working families to achieve self-sufficiency through affordable housing and critical support services. Such services include professional case management, mental health counseling, a mandatory savings program and bi-monthly life skills classes, allowing residents to improve the financial and emotional well-being of their families. The IOH facility is located on Buford Highway in Doraville and consists of 10 private apartments where families can live together in safety for up to 12-24 months. In an atmosphere of dignity and respect, residents make permanent changes resulting in debt reduction, credit repair, savings and family healing. IOH provides a long-term solution that breaks the vicious cycle of poverty and homeless.
The IOH Ministry offers parishioners of Saint Jude an excellent opportunity to share their God-given gifts and abundance through service, fundraising and participation in community events.
For more information or to serve, contact the Interfaith Outreach Home Ministry.