Our Saint Jude Saint Vincent De Paul (SVdP) Conference is part of the international Saint Vincent de Paul Society, an organization of Catholic laypersons. Members are dedicated to quietly and discreetly serving people in extreme hardship or distress, with practical, personal assistance, in a spirit of compassion. The Saint Jude Conference of the Society serves those in need in our own local area.
Those in need of financial assistance can contact us at 678-990-2969 to arrange an appointment with one of our caseworkers. We conduct private client meetings at our offices in Spalding House on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays or at the convenience of your home.
For food assistance through SVdP please fill out the form via the link here and a caseworker will contact you. https://www.svdpgeorgia.org/go/
Our St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Conference has been a lifeline to many in need in our community by providing financial assistance for rent and utilities. Volunteers are needed who speak both Spanish and English to assist these clients. Training is provided. Contact the parish Saint Vincent de Paul Society for more information or to serve Saint Vincent de Paul Society.