Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (also known as CLOW) is a ministry program in which the Sunday Scriptures are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate for children in grades PreK4-2nd. CLOW occurs during the 10:00 am Mass, generally two Sundays each month during the school year. See our 2024-2025 schedule below:

September 8September 22
October 6October 20
November 3November 10
December 8December 15
January 5January 12
February 2February 9
March 2March 9
April 27

What exactly do the children do?

  • CLOW begins in the Sanctuary during regular Mass.
  • After the Opening Prayer, the priest calls the children to the front of the altar.
  • The children are blessed and then process with the CLOW leaders to Stapleton Hall downstairs.
  • In the Stapleton Center, a sacred space has been prepared where they participate in the next part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word. Everything that adults and family members do upstairs the children also do downstairs. CLOW readings come from the Children’s Lectionary, so they hear the Word of God in language more suitable to their age.
  • CLOW prayer leaders then discuss the readings with the children.
  • Next, they say the Creed and offer Petitions. They may also sing a hymn or two.
  • Finally, CLOW leaders bring the children back to the sanctuary where they rejoin their families during the Offertory.

Would you like to have CLOW two times a month next year? If so, we need to form a 2nd CLOW team. There is a set program to follow — it’s easy! This ministry is parishioner-led and organized in teams.  We need parents or other adults to form the teams that will rotate weekends. This is a wonderful way to share your love of our faith with our youngest members. Ready to join the team?

Interested in resources to help you celebrate the Liturgy with your children?

Sunday Mass Activity Sheets for kids

Sunday Mass resources for kids

Animated Mass reading videos and homilies for kids

Monthly Kids Liturgy videos for 2nd Sundays

Educational resources for Catholic homes and classrooms

Feast Day celebrations, liturgy, Sacraments, and saints activities for families

Catholic Arts and Crafts

Catholic podcast and blog for families

Questions? Email Julia Acosta, Coordinator of Elementary PSR or call 770-394-3896 ext. 527.