Greeter Ministry


We’re Glad You’re Here!

Are you blessed with the gift of hospitality? Does “warm” and “joyful” describe you? If so, the Greeter Ministry needs you!

The Greeter Ministry promotes a sense of welcome and belonging to all who enter our church. As the first point of contact before and after each Mass, Greeters serve not only our parish but the entire community by joyfully opening our doors and hearts to both newcomers and long-time parishioners alike.  Let your light shine as a beacon to all who gather as the Body of Christ!

What is the commitment?  As a Saint Jude greeter, we ask that you serve at least one Mass per month and attend one short training session. We use Sign Up Genius so that you can easily sign up for the Masses that fit your schedule.

If you are interested in being a Saint Jude Greeter, please complete the form below, and you will be contacted to schedule a brief training session, which is required prior to serving as a greeter.
If you have questions, please email us or call Lourdes Davis at 770-394-3896, ext. 223.

Greeter Ministry