January Respect Life Events

On Monday, January 22, our nation will mark the 52nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal throughout the United States. While we give thanks for overturning this legislation in 2022, the abortion battle continues at the state level.  Parish events, Archdiocesan events, and USCCB resources include:

Adoration Holy Hour for Life
Mondays – 1:00 -2:00 pm in the Adoration Chapel
The hour begins with a Rosary for Life, followed by quiet prayer.  Please join us each week as your schedule allows.  Learn more here.

Sidewalks Save
Join our ministry and others at Sidewalks Save– a movement to save lives by being a prayerful presence in front of the Feminist Women’s Health Center abortion facility. Volunteers are needed to pray in front of the Feminist Women’s Health Center abortion facility on Cliff Valley Way on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. We are also looking for someone to lead a team of prayer partners on Saturday mornings. You can sign up for an hour or more as your schedule allows. Learn more and sign up here.

Walking with Moms in Need (WWMIN)
Walking With Moms in Need (WWMIN) is a service ministry that guides mothers facing challenging pregnancies and those parenting young children in need, towards services and resources available and to welcome and surround them with our love. Learn how you can get involved here.

Pregnancy Aid Clinic
PAC is the only Catholic pregnancy resource center endorsed by the Archdiocese of Atlanta. PAC offers women free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, education, resources, and earn-as-you-learn programs. Your gift helps to support these needed programs and the women who take advantage of them.  Learn more here.

Nine Days for Life Thursday, January 16 – Friday, January 24
Our Respect Life Ministry and our Knights of Columbus Council invite you to join Catholics in the United States and pray for the end of abortion during the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops annual novena 9 Days for Life. Pray for the respect and protection of all human life with new intentions, brief reflections, and more each day. Download the novena online, or receive it via email or text message. Learn more and sign up here.

Annual Archdiocesan Mass for the Preborn
Saturday, January 25, 9:30 am at Holy Spirit Catholic Church
The annual Mass for the Preborn will take place at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 4465 Northside Dr., Atlanta, GA 30327 at 10:00 am. It will begin with a rosary prayer at 9:30 am. Bishop Shlesinger will be the Principal Celebrant. See more details here.

Parish Stand for Life Event and Rosary 
Wednesday, January 22, 4:15 pm
You are invited to join our Respect Life ministry in silent prayer and witness for the legal protection of the unborn for our annual parish Stand for Life event on the corner of Spalding Drive and Glenridge Drive, 4:15 – 5:30 pm. Signs will be provided or you can bring your own. Please also join us afterwards at 5:35 pm for a Rosary led by Knights of Columbus in the Church Sanctuary.