Monthly Meetings

Our ministry is for women of our parish who wish to foster their faith and friendships through fellowship. Our meetings usually occur in members’ homes on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from September to May.   Come as you are and when you can!  We keep our meetings to 2 hours as we know your time is valuable! When you RSVP below, you will receive the meeting address. Our meeting format is as follows:

7:00 pm – Gathering and Socializing
7:30 pm – Speaker
8:00 pm – Q&A and Business
8:30 pm – Socializing
9:00 pm – Meeting ends.

September 25, 2024“Rush Party”: An Evening of Fellowship & Friendship
October 16Joe Twiner speaks about Peachtree Farms
November 13Pearls of Wisdom
December 4, 6:00 pmAdvent by Candlelight
January 15, 2025Discussion with Fourth Quarter coach
Catherine Fuss
February 19Home Mass celebrated by Msgr. Joe
March 19Lenten Reflection with Susan Tschirhart
April 23TBA
May 14Rosary & Rosé

If you are not on our mailing list, please let us know here  – it’s the best way to be kept up to date on our ministry’s events and activities.