Bless a Mom Fundraiser

Our parish’s Walking with Moms in Need (WWMIN) is holding our annual “Bless a Mom” Mother’s Day Fundraiser through May 19th. 

We have a crib set up in the vestibule of the Church loaded with baby tags containing gift ideas and dollar amounts. Like the IOH giving tree, parishioners can take a tag and contribute online using a QR code. Those wishing to donate a box of diapers or wipes please bring on the weekend of May 18th-19th, the last weekend of the fundraiser.

Walking With Moms in Need (WWMIN) is a service ministry in which Catholic parishes walk with local pregnant and parenting women in need. It is a nationwide effort inspired by St. John Paul II’s call to assess our efforts in building a culture of life.

At Saint Jude our WWMIN Ministry helps working moms in need with childcare expenses, all bills (except for rent), diapers, formula, wipes, and other in-kind items. Our care team volunteers meet monthly with our moms in need supporting them emotionally and spiritually.  We understand local resources available to our moms and share this information with them. Many are unaware of the help available to them. We work closely with Saint Jude SVdP and the Pregnancy Aid Clinic (PAC) who also serve moms.  We are mentored by organizations such as the Interfaith Outreach Home (IOH) and supported by the Saint Jude Preschool Parent Organization (PPO).  Together with the Holy Spirit our goal is to empower our moms in need to take control of their future, bring peace to their hearts, and show our love for families in need.  We ask the Holy Spirit to guide us on this mission ensuring we minister from a place of service to others without judgement.

Since our ministry started in 2020, we have hosted 6 baby showers, adopted 11 families at Christmas, and walked closely with 15 mothers to guide and support them as best as possible through difficult life situations. Most of our moms are referred from SVdP, PAC, or sidewalk saves from the abortion clinic. We have helped countless others with in-kind items.

Your donations go directly to these families through:

  • Paying some childcare costs, car insurance, car notes, covering utilities, and other bills
  • Purchasing furniture and moving expenses
  • Providing food assistance
  • Providing baby supplies including car seats, highchairs, clothing, diapers, wipes, formula
  • Offsetting the cost of hosting baby showers
See more about our Walking with Moms in Need Ministry!

To get involved fill out our interest form. If you have baby items or clothing you would like to donate, please contact our WWMIN ministry